
4 Aug 2017

If you can’t stand the heat get back in the kitchen!

I recently finished my first 30 days in a new role. In reflecting back on such a short space of time I'm struck by what I have learned. The scale of information I've absorbed, interpreted and played back has been exhausting and at times stressful. It's been a long time since I stepped out of my comfort zone but in the last month I have been worried, at times lost confidence and felt swamped and

4 Aug 2017

Do we need to take the ‘management’ out of change?

I’ve always secretly thought that managing change was an oxymoron by definition. However, before all the change gurus reach for the comment button, can I just caveat that? Models, methodology and approaches are all valid in thinking about and planning for change. But can we really ‘manage’ it in today’s disruptive digital world. With that in mind I have a few thoughts on how ‘change management’ will need to evolve to keep pace with the

4 Aug 2017

To make sense of your new team traits, turn to Tuckman

Sometimes the oldies are the goodies and Tuckman's Team Development Model is up there with the best. Born out of the 1960's, the model has barely changed suggesting it still resonates despite changing business models, environments and technological disruption. But read with caution as although the model explains behaviour traits, culture and context will also effect how well a team performs. So why has this model stood the test of time? Tuckman, an educational psychologist identified 4

1 Oct 2015

4 Tips for Launching Minimum Viable Products Inside Big Companies

“We have to disrupt ourselves before the market does.” It’s not an uncommon mandate today. Established enterprises need to innovate to keep pace with the more nimble, smaller startups. Perhaps no approach has captured the imagination of big companies yearning to get more nimble than the lean startup method: quickly building and launching minimum viable products — MVPs — and then iterating and pivoting based on market feedback. Take the example of Beth, Director of

7 Oct 2013

Ditch the Performance Review, ok but then what?

The need to develop people faster. By removing ratings, early indications of our research are that companies appear to be developing people faster across the board. It’s happening because of more frequent dialogues, which also tend to be more honest and open when neither party has to worry about justifying a rating at the end of the year.